Commissioned Projects
These are projects that I have received money for or I’ve made for someone specifically.
AFK - Ultra sub mega simple afk plugin.
Anti-Car Explosions - Prevents all vehicles in the server from blowing up.
Anti-KOS - More like anti-kills. If a player kills too many times they will get kicked/banned.
Anti-Raid & Anti-Raid 2.0 - Basic anti-raid plugin that will restrict players from raiding structures.
Chat Color Changer - Allows for dynamic chat color changing without the need of changing permission groups (Doesn’t limit which colors they can use).
Command Cooldown - External support for adding a cooldown to commands.
Custom Loot Points - Allows players/admins to set customized spawn points for loot wherever they want.
Marry And Gender - Allows players to marry eachother, and allows them to set their gender to either Female or Male.
Salary - A plugin that provides a user with items worth X value every Y seconds.
Play Tracker - Tracks the ammount of playtime a player has and allows for “coupon” usage by the player to receive rewards.
U2D Webhook - Unturned to discord webhook plugin. Utilizes discord’s webhook API to send messages of things ocurring in the server. More than 1 webhook can be set-up for different things.
Vehicle Licenses - Gives licenses to drive certain vehicles. They are stored virtually.
Advanced Decay - Better decay system than the one unturned offers.
Advanced Permissions - Plugin that improves the permission system provided by RocketMod.
Duels - 1v1 plugin. Allows players to request to duel another one.
Kill Reporter - Creates custom reports on player kills and posts on github through a webhook.
Auto Update - Automatically shuts down the server with a custom delay, warns everyone in the server that there’s an update and then updates the entire server. This will not work in shared servers/shared hosting due to the policies of these hosting services.
Quizes - Plugin that will ask the player a question with defined answers. If they answer wrong, the next time they take the quiz it’ll cost them twice (does not stack).
Lahqie Core - Core plugin for Lahqie’s servers.
Jail And Arrest - A custom jailing, arresting and robbing plugin requested by Nightghast.
Reputation Loadouts - A plugin that would provide a loadout on respawn depending on the player’s reputation.